Ramadan 2017: Important Health Tips For Ramadan
For Muslims, Ramadan is a holy moth dedicated to prayer , Quran recitation, introspection and fasting during the sunlight hours. Ramadan is a month of the Islamic calendar in which Prophet Muhammad is said to have revealed their holy book - the Qu'ran - to Muslims. Here are some things you must do for Ramadan : Eat in moderation - The breaking of the fast should traditionally include dates which provide a burst of much-needed energy. Include fibre-rich foods that will digest slowly and release energy throughout the day. Make room for vegetables, lentils and whole grains along with fruits such as apricots, prunes and figs. Get adequate rest - Get a good night's rest during Ramadan. You should ideally sleep for 6 to 8 hours a day. You might not be able to accomplish that during the night, since you have to up before the crack of dawn for Suhoor . Stay cool and rest during the hottest part of the day to avoid dehydration and thirst. Stay hydrated - It ...